Today's beauty

I'm reading this book. When I first picked it up, I really wasn't sure it was anything I'd be interested in. But I told myself that all the women I think are amazing love this book - it's got to be good. Our small group for moms is reading it together and last night we had our discussion group.

The amazing women who love this book know what they're talking about. I was challenged to make a little bit of beauty in our every day lives. For me that is most challenging in the area of our daily meals, making it a time to come together and fellowship rather that just a pit stop.

So I tried to make something beautiful today. The first thing I thought of was an old table cloth that didn't fit my big table. When my grandmother passed away, I was given some of her household things - tablecloths, doilies, pretty dishtowels, etc. This particular tablecloth had a note firmly taped to it.

"Wedding gift to Paul and Helen from Helen's godmother"

It was written in my grandmother's beautiful cursive handwriting and obviously there because she wanted who ever was going to inherit this small white tablecloth to know it was more that just a piece of fabric. It was something special to her and that means it will be special to me.

It's littered with a few stains and will surely get more but it's our bit of beauty today. The girls saw me, prettying the table and trying my best to make today - broken van, teething baby, Josh working very late, dishes piled in the drain - plain old today special. One of them took out the broom and swept up the spilled playdoh I hadn't gotten to yet. Another put the baby to sleep with her sweet little voice and a pink pacifier. And another daughter danced around with happiness that the table was pretty.

It didn't take very long to pull this old piece of cloth out of the closet and spread it on the table. I won't be making anything fancy or special for dinner tonight, with Josh working late and our car troubles occupying my afternoon so far. But it will be special to my girls. Maybe it will take the sting out of having sandwiches for dinner. ;)
