the rest

25. My daughter Lael's love of helping. We have a neighbor who is in the mental health profession and looks at us like we are a bit of an oddity. She is friendly but always walks away from our small chats shaking her head, with a look of amused confusion on her face. Yesterday, the girls were all in our front room having a snack and watching TV. Lael saw the neighbor outside raking her yard and came running to ask me if she could go help neighbor do her yard work. Sure! I replied. After some shyness was put aside, both Lael and Alyssa came running back home to get their rakes and garden gloves. Lauren and I puttered in our front yard to watch the interchange between them all. The woman was floored. She kept looking at me and asking questions like "Are they always like this?" "Do they do housework too?" "Do they cook?" It was kind of funny but a great time for my daughters. And I am so thankful for their great example to our neighbor.

26. A tree full of these:

27. plans for next week. More to follow on that...

28. Saturday morning breakfast. (which means I have to go!)


  1. Good for the girls! I not only lived next door to her, I did the transcription for her office and she always looked at me the same way. I finally decided that was just her way. (or maybe it was because she is a cat person and we had 3 bassets) :-)


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