42 - the explanation - Its a dishwasher! Not a new one but one that is much more new than the one we had. It was passed along to us from a friend who moved rather quickly out of the area. We picked it up this morning and with some elbow grease from Josh (hooking it up) and myself (cleaning it) our "new" dishwasher is up and running. I'm one happy housewife!
- Our trip to Long Island was fantastic. I could lay on the couch in the RV and look out the window at the waves. The girls collected tons of shells and learned how to make the perfect sand castle. The weather did not cooperate all that much, but we managed just fine. The campground also had the coolest playground I've ever seen. My cousin's wedding was a very Long Island affair - and much more elegant than I'm used to. But it was fun to catch up with my cousins and aunts, even if I felt completely out of place. When I told a family friend that I lived three hours north of my parents (who live 4 hours north of Long Island), he just about fell out of his chair. Isn't that Canada?! he said. Almost, I replied with a smile. I honestly think he really didn't know that New York went up this far. Sometimes its fun to shock people.
- If you stop by my house unexpectedly, don't be surprised to find the downstairs bathroom in a bit of disarray - especially the toilet paper. My little Houdini baby has succeeded in escaping from her activity piano, her crib (in the middle of the night no less!What a wake up tht was...) and her high chair (no falls but plenty of close calls). She has also figured out how to push aside any blocks that we put in front of the bathroom door. And once in the bathroom what does my little Lauren like to do? Unroll the toilet paper. All of it. Since the door is very old, those safety covers for the knob doesn't work. I've just got to put a lock on the outside, I guess.
- Peek 'a' Blocks are officially my favorite baby toy.
- Hhmmmm.... I thought I had so much to say but I guess I don't! Dinner is smoking away on the grill and it smells delicious. I'm so please with how the yard is looking this year. We're going to get some fence paint and hardware tonight so that project can be finished up. so I guess I'd better throw together some veggies to go with Josh's barbecue so we can eat. :-)
- Our trip to Long Island was fantastic. I could lay on the couch in the RV and look out the window at the waves. The girls collected tons of shells and learned how to make the perfect sand castle. The weather did not cooperate all that much, but we managed just fine. The campground also had the coolest playground I've ever seen. My cousin's wedding was a very Long Island affair - and much more elegant than I'm used to. But it was fun to catch up with my cousins and aunts, even if I felt completely out of place. When I told a family friend that I lived three hours north of my parents (who live 4 hours north of Long Island), he just about fell out of his chair. Isn't that Canada?! he said. Almost, I replied with a smile. I honestly think he really didn't know that New York went up this far. Sometimes its fun to shock people.
- If you stop by my house unexpectedly, don't be surprised to find the downstairs bathroom in a bit of disarray - especially the toilet paper. My little Houdini baby has succeeded in escaping from her activity piano, her crib (in the middle of the night no less!What a wake up tht was...) and her high chair (no falls but plenty of close calls). She has also figured out how to push aside any blocks that we put in front of the bathroom door. And once in the bathroom what does my little Lauren like to do? Unroll the toilet paper. All of it. Since the door is very old, those safety covers for the knob doesn't work. I've just got to put a lock on the outside, I guess.
- Peek 'a' Blocks are officially my favorite baby toy.
- Hhmmmm.... I thought I had so much to say but I guess I don't! Dinner is smoking away on the grill and it smells delicious. I'm so please with how the yard is looking this year. We're going to get some fence paint and hardware tonight so that project can be finished up. so I guess I'd better throw together some veggies to go with Josh's barbecue so we can eat. :-)
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