My Dream Kitchen

When we started to think that we were going to build our own house (years ago!), I didn't really think about my kitchen. It just seemed too far off and overwhelming to consider what I might want.

Well, then we sold our house in less than a month.
But I was 6 months pregnant and we moved 3 times in 10 months.

So after we settled down and started to think about blueprints, I began looking on Pinterest. Watching HGTV. Realizing that we were going to have a strict budget. More Pinterest. More research. And we began to realize I might be possible to get what we wanted.

Here's how I got my dream kitchen on a small budget:

1. We installed the entire kitchen. "We" meaning: my dad installed all the lower cabinets with the help of the girls; Josh and my dad made the island; Josh and I found the log legs in the backyard; Josh and our friend Kevin installed the open shelves after I stained them; our friend Andy (who also directed all the electrical work in the house) installed our appliances. Are you getting the picture? :-) We saved so much money by not have to pay contractors. Of course, this won't work for everyone but if you can do it yourself, go for it. And all volunteer laborers were paid in soda, Gatorade, cookies and lunch.

2. We used stock cabinets from ,. Not only could we not afford a custom kitchen but we had fallen in love with the look of these cabinets. No custom work or waiting for a contractor to fit us in. Our local store has a great kitchen department and for no additional charge, they helped us design the cabinet layout I wanted. The cabinets all come assembled so I could even look through the boxes to make sure I got the rustic look I wanted. Same goes for the countertop.

3. We thought about our choices rather than rushing into something. The material for the open shelves was going to be reclaimed barn board. That seemed too expensive. So we (okay, Josh) thought it through and we bought 2x12 boards from the lumber yard and stained them.

4. We bought things while they were on sale. Our light fixtures for the entire great room were on sale when I was buying the kitchen cabinets. I grabbed them and they sat in a corner for weeks. But by buying them on sale, I saved a few bucks and a headache. They were all the same collection so they coordinated without me having to think about it. Our appliances were ordered separately over a few days. The fridge was on sale for a crazy good price the day I went to look at appliances. The dishwasher & stove were cheaper if I waited for the Friends and Family sale that our local store told me about. (He's also our neighbor. That helps.)

So that's about it! Do it yourself, buy during sales, be creative and shop smart.


  1. It looks great, Jackie! I really like your light fixture too.

  2. favorite part? The saddle! Love it! It ALL looks fantastic.


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