
We are beginning to wonder if spring will ever come to Northern New York. It's cold and rainy today. My children are singing Christmas songs and baking cookies. And I had to turn the heat back on again. But hey, tomorrow is May 1. Maybe it will warm up?

I don't know why controversy takes me by surprise, especially controversy in Christian circles. People are fallible. When we put our hope in people, there is always a chance of disappointment. But what is our reaction to the controversy? Do we turn our backs and gossip? Do we bring to light the truth that we know? Or do we ignore everything and continue in our bubble? The only good answer is to bring light to controversy. The Light. Let us keep the mind of Christ in all situations. Sometimes that means we have to expose darkness, friends. It's not so fun but it's what we are called to do.


We have expanded our little hobby farm yet again. I believe I introduced Ham, Bacon and Awesome Ralph already. They are our three pigs (well Awesome Ralph belongs to my parents). An early morning phone call from the post office had us all hopping Monday morning. Our chicks finally arrived! Eight Barred Rock Colombian Wyandottes and four Araucanas (also known as Easter Egg chickens for their colorful eggs) plus one free chick that the hatchery sends along with every order. Sadly, we lost one chick this morning. I believe it was one of our Araucanas. The poor chicks had to spend two days in a small enclosure while we finished up some repairs to our chicken coop after last year's run of meat birds. But we finished up everything today and the chicks are happily spreading their wings in a much larger pen. I'm hoping we don't lose any more. The girls handled it well, but they're getting attached to certain chicks pretty quickly. 

So like I said. Shocking, considering the weather but tomorrow is May 1. That means is six short weeks, I will be the mother of a teenager. Can someone please tell me how that's possible?!? Time really does fly by, much too quickly. For now, I'm just enjoying planning her birthday parties - yes, that's plural. But you only celebrate your daughter's 13th birthday once right, so why not go big?

And to wrap up this blog of randomness ... some blog news. I'll have some reviews coming up for more books as well as a review with a giveaway coming soon! It's for one of my favorite products, so be sure to check back!
