I really like my cell phone. It's small, convenient and I can do everything I have to do on it. But something I've recently been convicted about is using my phone for reading the Bible. I don't think there's anything wrong with using a cell phone to read the Bible. There are some great apps out there, with preloaded reading plans and devotionals. I love them. But there are a couple of reasons that I'm trying to go back to the real thing and using my Bible.
* My Bible holds memories. Underlined verses. Scribbled thoughts in the margins. Folded notes hidden in the pages. Not only does a Bible turn into a memoir of my Christian walk, but it's something my daughters can pick up and learn from as well. They can see what verses were important to me and how I took sermon notes. It's worn and comfortable. Sitting in prayer meetings or with a small group, I can turn through the pages and see those verses or notes. Once and awhile, God will speak to the situation at hand through those notes or highlights. You can't flip through an app with the same familiarity and comfort.
* My Bible doesn't have apps or internet or notifications. As a mom, I have plenty of distractions. Kids arguing, dog barking, appointments, bills, school to teach or kids to get to school - I don't need my short amount of quiet time with the Lord interrupted by my own lack of self control or a text message. I've already deleted the Facebook app off my phone because the notifications were too much of a distraction for me. While I do check social media accounts on Safari, that's my choice. Notifications have always fetl like an intrusion to me. So reading a real Bible = less distractions.
* My Bible is unmistakeable. When I'm reading my Bible on my phone, my daughters may not know what I'm doing. Not that I owe them an explanation for my every move, but I do want to be a good example of a Christian that was always trying to get closer to God. Not just a mom, but a person that had her own relationship with Jesus. Seeing me on my phone doesn't really communicate that to them. But seeing me with that very special book on my lap? Totally clear.
So I'm putting aside my phone in the morning and grabbing my Bible.
No flashy graphics or detailed reading plans. Just the Word of God. The Vine's Expository Reference Bible I bought for myself not long after I became a Christian now has blue paint smears on the cover and worn edges. But it is comfort and peace and a collection of benchmark moments in my Christian walk. When I hold it in my hand, I'm reminded of days past when I had all the time in the world to study and read the Bible. Even if I just get a slim window of quiet in the morning, I feel like I hear God so much more clearly from these pages even though an endless supply of Bible apps say all the same words.There is just something about reading from the thin pages of a worn Bible and I'm so thankful for the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit that brought me back to it.
Anyone want to join me in committing to reading from a Bible instead of an app?
* My Bible doesn't have apps or internet or notifications. As a mom, I have plenty of distractions. Kids arguing, dog barking, appointments, bills, school to teach or kids to get to school - I don't need my short amount of quiet time with the Lord interrupted by my own lack of self control or a text message. I've already deleted the Facebook app off my phone because the notifications were too much of a distraction for me. While I do check social media accounts on Safari, that's my choice. Notifications have always fetl like an intrusion to me. So reading a real Bible = less distractions.
* My Bible is unmistakeable. When I'm reading my Bible on my phone, my daughters may not know what I'm doing. Not that I owe them an explanation for my every move, but I do want to be a good example of a Christian that was always trying to get closer to God. Not just a mom, but a person that had her own relationship with Jesus. Seeing me on my phone doesn't really communicate that to them. But seeing me with that very special book on my lap? Totally clear.
So I'm putting aside my phone in the morning and grabbing my Bible.
Anyone want to join me in committing to reading from a Bible instead of an app?
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